eva ugolini

My passion for Yoga and Ayurveda began 20 years ago by attending an Ayurvedic massage course in Rome held by Subala Vassallo, a brilliant Ayurvedic therapist with extensive study and practice experience in the Osho Ashram in Pune, India.

Living in a different context and working full time for an air company, I didn't imagine that this experience would change my life forever, giving me a new look and a new awareness of a sense of connection and integration of body, mind, soul according to the ancient ayurvedic medicine.

In that course I learned to communicate trust, love, care and safety through the sacred touch of this ancient holistic massage, using my hands as a tool to bring all these aspects and give them to the Other.

My desire to deepen my understanding, knowledge and experience of this science of life, has taken me regularly to India, the Mother of Ayurveda, where I have had the opportunity to fully immerse myself in my studies under the guidance of well-known doctors Ayurveda that I had the opportunity to assist, and devote myself to the practice of Ashtanga yoga which has since become a central part of my life and a tool for realization and awareness. 

Once back in Rome, I completed a two-year Master in Ayurvedic Massage at the Atharva Veda Center, in collaboration with the Study and Research Center of Naturopathy and Ayurveda of New Delhi in India, an Internship in Ayurvedic massages and Panchakarma at CSRAM, Center of Study and Research on Alternative Medicine and subsequently I completed a specialization course in pre and post natal massage, always according to the Ayurvedic tradition.

These years of study and deepening led me to search for a suitable context where I could fully embrace this lifestyle, and from here follows my move to Amsterdam where I lived happily for twelve years and where I found fertile ground to express, donate and dedicate my life to the practice of Ayurvedic massage therapies and the teaching of Ashtanga Yoga. 

In Amsterdam, in the prestigious school Delight Yoga, I have had the opportunity over the last ten years to cultivate, nourish and perfect my experience as an Ayurvedic massage therapist and teacher. 

This passion that I have carried with me for twenty years grows and revives every time I take care of the Other through the sacred touch of Ayurvedic massage, and today, with joy, devotion and gratitude for having received these wonderful gifts in my life, I teach Ashtanga Yoga and offer Ayurvedic treatments and Ayurvedic massage courses between Amsterdam and Rome, with the desire to communicate how these two unique and complementary sister sciences can enrich our lives with extraordinary vitality and creativity at all levels.